Saturday, July 31, 2010

July 31, 2010 Preparation and day one from a bicycle's Point of View (All bicycle exerpts will be in red)

Barbara has finally considered my perspective on this trip.  First, I know she spent a lot of time wondering whether or not to bring me.  I know I can be a real pain in the ass, but then again, most of the time I don't bother anybody.  But most of all, when I'm fun --I'm really, really fun.  So based on that third criteria, I got to go.

Also, Barb had been promising me for years that she'd take me on a cross country trip, so this is it, finally.
We are both excited in spite of the negatives. Sandra encouraged Barbara to bring me along because she knew Baarbara been promising to take me across country for years.  Thank you Sandra.

I already had a lot of stuff for the trip, but they bought me even more.  They had raincoats for themselves, so they bought me a special raincoat just for the long trip.

Barbara goggled, printed and studied a 54 page cross country bicycle route that went through Nebraska  It all sounded great to me.  I was excited just to be going.  I didn't care about what route we took, just as long as I got to go.

So we got packed up and ready to go.  Sandra had bought a rack for me two years ago and this would be our first time using it.  It was pretty slick.

So off we went.  Noon-- August 31, 2010.  As with any trip East, Vegas is always the first stop.
So I expected to stop in Vegas that first night.  But then Barbara and Sandra started talking about avoiding the Vegas crowds and going to Laughlin instead. This meant that I would get to go for a ride along the Colorado River. But when we got to Laughlin it was 104 degrees at 8 oclock at night.  The day before had been over 130 degrees.  It was hot, hot, hot.  I thought I would melt, but they put me in a special cool room at the Aquarius Hotel/casino. So I stayed in storage, Sandra gambled and then Barbara, true to form, remembered too late that she had now driven so far south that the Nebraska bicycle route that she had originally planned now made no sense.  So now her well thought out trip was null and void.  Wasted hours and hours, wasted ink, and 54 pages of wasted paper.  And worse yet, she now had to spend her time in Laughlin replanning a route that would get her to the Emeigh's before Aug. 7th.

But never fear.  Plan two.  They had the book they bought from Costco--  "120 Most Scenic Roads in America".  And frankly that sounded even better to us than a cross country bike route. So that's what we will now be doing--riding on the most scenic roads in America.  I can't wait!!!

I spent the night in the cool storage room of the Aquarius Casino.  Otherwise, I think I would have melted-honestly.

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