Tuesday, September 7, 2010

9 07 Last Day, 11,000 miles in 5 weeks

Finished the last of our 11,000 mile, 5 week trip.  Most memorable moments were all the friends and family we got to see and Don and Bobby's party. I also loved getting to go to Deer Valley again, with all it's wonderful memories. Favorite places would be Jasper and Banff, and of course I'd have to include beautiful New Hampshire or Chev would disown me.  We are so lucky to live in this vast, varied and beautiful country and Canada just seems like an extension of the USA. I also loved getting to ride my bike on the most scenic roads in America and I think we ticked off about 30 more scenic roads in our "120 Most Scenic Roads in America" book. That was in addition to so many that we have already been on.  Nervous moments would be the terrifying storm when we were lucky to reach our destination before the major rain started. I also almost hit a deer.  Also memorable was the day I turned around in a driveway to go back and get a photo of something that Sandra saw.  When I turned around I missed the driveway and ended up spinning my wheels and getting stuck.  A male neighbor came over and tried to help us push the car, but the car went no where except deeper into the dirt.  The neighbor gave up helping us and recommended calling AAA.  As I got the phone to call AAA Sandra said, "I think I can get us out of here".  She got out, got a couple of sticks and put them under the tires and "poof" we were out.  She is something else.    Santa Maria, 26 miles

We drove the 101 from Washington to home, which took us right through the middle of San Francisco.  First time I've been through San Francisco and not stopped even for a meal.  Just wanted to get home.We made it from North of San Francisco home in about 7 hours and it felt so good to get home. 11,164 miles in 5 weeks.  Great trip.  Regrets??  Not seeing Jim and Pat Peterson in Missouri.  Bad planning on my part.

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are so great! Thanks for sharing your trip--fantastic!!!!
