Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9 1 Jasper to Banff glacial hike and biking in cold weather

Biked in sleet on road. from Jasper to Banff.  Most beautiful bike ride I've ever taken.

Glacial Hike Almost snowing

I remembered today that our 22nd anniversary was three days ago.  This whole trip has been a celebration of our anniversary but it's funny we actually forgot it when the day came.  We don't even know where we were on the 28th--it was one of those long, unending days crossing Canada. What a way to spend our anniversary, however. 5 wonderful weeks travelling.

1 comment:

  1. When we were driving this same route on 08/15/2010, I kept telling Bernita I'd give anything to bike it. I'm so happy you biked it, Barb; it must've been incredible. Someday we want to go back, and I'm definitely going to bicycle.
