Sunday, August 15, 2010

Sunday Aug 15, 2010 Deer Valley

This guy was five when I worked there.  Had my album and knew the songs.

After seeing the Amish on many of the roads around Deer Valley, we finally arrived at Deer Valley around 11 o'clock.  They were expecting me.  About a month ago I decided I would love to see Deer Valley again.  I had worked there for about five summers in the sixties.  Janice, my sister who died when she was barely 30 had been head of staff, and therefore, my boss. When I found out that Deer Valley was still in existence I wrote an email to ask if they allow former staff to visit.  I couldn't believe the response I got.

"Barbara Wilson, you are a legend.  You are to Deer Valley what Woodstock is to the 60's".

I was flabberghasted.  He went on to say that he was seven years old when I was there and he remembers marching around the hall to my playing "Saints" on my horn.  He then went on to recall several of the songs I recorded on an album  "Barb sings the Deer Valley Songs" and asked if I would autograph it while there. Also remembered that the staff won the Somerset County Fair Talent show under my direction.  No one has even entered since.  I give credit to the Director for those years though because he was the one who entered us in the Fair and he also was the person who arranged having the album made.  I just did all the fun parts of it, like coming up with and teaching the harmonies to "Hurry Sundown".  Must admit, the staff sounded great with all the low and high harmonies.  It's on the album.  They asked me to make the album into a CD.  I said I would.  Not an easy task.  Phyllis Daniels, you will be happy to hear that, then I can make yours at the same time.  I'll bet you thought I forgot.

Almost forgot---the sing along book was mostly stuff that I put in it 35 years ago.  It included a song I had written called "Blue Nightgown".  So someone asked me to play "Blue Nightgown" and when I did I forgot some of the words.  Some lady KNEW them--by heart.  Also, before they introduced me I was teaching the new music director some of the songs I had in the book and someone else came over.  I told her I had been there in the sixties.  She said, "Did you follow Barb?"  I said, "I AM Barb".  Can you believe that??  She was esctatic.  Then she said about the same thing as Jack-that those were the best years.  I couldn't believe that after 35 years she remembered me AND my name.  Is that cool or what?

The other reason the visit was special was because it froze Janice in my mind there.  I had SO many memories of us there together.  She got me the job.  I'm sure that was pressure for both of us.    Sandra didn't like it much.  Lots of gnats, heat and humidity.  I rode my bike to the small cabin where I lived in on the lake.  Lady who asked if I followed Barb in the 60's 

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