Thursday, August 26, 2010

08/26/10 Bob and Sally Miller family, Mackinaw, MI

We got a chance to see two of my favorite people, Bob and Sally Miller, who I knew from college.  Sally and I were "dorm mothers" together, and we believe we made everyone in Jones Hall, Eastern Michigan University, a little happier.  We planned so much fun together and created memories that we think everyone still probably remembers.  That was all without alcohol or drugs.  Even I remember some of the fun stuff we did--like tying doors together so when someone tried to get out they couldn't--sing a longs up the kazoo--
door decoration contests--and just dumb but fun stuff.

Sally's daughter is my God daughter.  Quite an honor that I have done nothing to deserve--except I was catholic at the time.  In fact this is only the fourth time we have seen each other since Tracey was born.  Sandra and I did manage to get there to entertain for her fabulous wedding, but  we had to leave immediately because Sandra's mother was so ill.  We left immediately after the wedding, but she passed away on our way back.  That was hard, of course.

Anway, we now saw them in much better times.  They are really in the sticks, but right on a huge beautiful lake.  The sunsets are awesome.  The weather is extreme.  But they like living there alot. Bob cultivated a huge garden (I got a tomato sandwich) and they have their own maple syrup making equipment and shed. Tracey's husband is a builder and built their fabulous home, plus other homes in the area.  He does it all.  They remind me so much of Jim and Pat Peterson, who actually left sunny California for a log cabin on a seven acre lake, in Missouri, of all places.  Both families are avid hunters and fishermen.  My one regret of the trip is that we didn't get to see Pat and Jim while going East because I didn't plan properly.

Anyway, we had a GREAT time with just our one day and we got to see almost all of the kids and grandkids. It was so much fun.  And we'll be seeing Sally in California.  There it is, Sal, in writing

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